Fast food and everything about him The origin history of fast food and features of his development in China India Europe Russia and America. General description of negative influence of fast food on organism and health of the human. Fast food like a variety of chemical food additives.
National features of cuisine and table manners Various American cuisine. Hot dogs hamburgers doughnuts apple pie potato chips Coca-Cola Pop-Corn. Hospitality of Ukrainian cuisine. Overview of Ukrainian cuisine history. Ukrainian food traditions and festivals.
Производство сыра Легенды о происхождении сыра. Технология производства сыра. Классификация сырных продуктов. Основные этапы процесса изготовления сыра. Пастеризация - нагревание молока до высокой температуры. Створаживание стекание прессование соление созревание.

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